Amalfi Coast Weather

On this page - a quick overview of the Amalfi Coast weather, year round and the best times to travel there. 

Amalfi Temperatures

Amalfi Coast temperatures. 

Classic Blue sky day

Amalfi Coast rainfall. 

As you can see from the graphs above the best time to travel to this area is any time from  May to the end of Sept, with July - August being the hottest and, consequentially, busiest months.

This part of Italy enjoys a classic Mediterranean climate. 

Hot dry summer months. Autumn /winter is the wettest. Some good weather in the spring.

Classic Blue sky day

A classic blue sky day in June. This one taken from Praiano. 
All is well with the world on days like this. 
It's great to be alive. Time for a coffee I think!

I personally love June. Great weather but not too hot. 
Hot enough that you appreciate air con and look forward to a swim. 
Always had great weather. Blue skys and balmy evenings, mmmmm.

June is busy but not manic like July and August can sometimes be. 
Also the locals are fresh and looking forward to the season. 
By August they can be sick of the sight of tourists and just want a break.

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